Health and Safety are the rules and activities planned to avoid accidents or injuries in workplaces or public environments.
Health and Safety at work Act. 1974 is British legislation that dictates the responsibilities which workers, companies, and communities have to themselves and each other to ensure a Health and Safety environment. According to the legislation workplaces with more than five staff must have a printed Health and Safety Policy.
Health and Safety at work Act. 1974 law has 10 subdivisions called regulation:
Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999: it says duties on companies and workers to ensure a health and safety setting. It makes clearer what bosses are indispensable to do to achieve health and safety following the Health and Safety at Work Act. The main responsibility of employers is to carry out a risk assessment. Risk assessment is the complete procedure or approach where you can recognise risks issues that could be potential damage to health and safety. Studying and assessing the risk connected with hazard.
Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981: it involves employers offering satisfactory and proper equipment (it depends on the workplace) and services to ensure their employees or public receive immediate care if they are injured or taken ill at setting.
Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998: it deals with the work equipment and machinery used daily at work to prevent and control the people risk of injury and death from equipment used during their jobs.
The Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1992: it tells a diverse of basic health, safety, and welfare problems and apply to most settings (excluding construction sites, ship, or below ground). The legislation contains leadership to help companies understand problems in their places as ventilation, lighting, temperature, work stations or room sizes, gates and walls, windows and doors, floor conditions, sanitary convenience, washing facilities, etc.
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992: it is about the responsibilities concerning the providing and practice of personal protective equipment (PPE) at work. PPE is a kit that will keep safe the worker against health or safety risks at work. This kit can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, special shoes, etc.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002: it is known as COSHH. It provides a background to help keep people safe in the workplace using or working with hazardous substances. The substances could be for example chemicals, waste products, cleaning chemicals, etc.
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989: it shows the implications on employers to guarantee the safety of electrical devices in the workplace. It says all equipment must have visual inspection regularly and tested to confirm that it is safe for use.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995: RIDDOR explains the obligations to report workplace accidents, occupational diseases, and specified dangerous incidences.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005: tells us what the workplaces need to do to obey the fire and safety law. It supports businesses performing a fire risk assessment, recognising the overall fire hazards, and protecting the people against fire.
The Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations 2013: dictates the rules that all food business must follow to assurance the food served to the consumers are safe for their health.
TASSONI, Penny. Early Years Educator. Cache Nurturing Achievement. 2017